St. Clares School, Gort Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ASD junior class 2

In our ASD junior class 2 there are four students each with individual needs and abilities. Within our classroom we have a very structured approach to learning using elements of ABA and TEACCH. In order to further develop the students social skills and to give them new and concrete experiences we organise regular social outings which enable the students to overcome the social barriers which they experience. These outing are varied as much as possible but we also try to reinforce social experiences in order for the students to become comfortable in varies surroundings i.e. eating in a restaurant,crossing the road(safety),going to a shopping centre.
So far this term we have visited local shopping centres and restaurants in the town. The students have walked to each of these destinations which also enable them to develop an understanding of safety and awareness of surroundings. The most recent outing was to Stone Hall Farm a petting farm located in Curragh Chase Woods Co .Limerick. Where the students enjoyed a rich learning environment where they got to see, touch and feel different animals i.e. emus,pigs,ostriches,owls,llamas,rabbits e.t.c. Here are some snaps.